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Deniz Tek - New Race


Deniz Tek interview


  1. New Race in Deniz's own words :

    "I was living in Detroit at the end of 1980 when the New Race concept came up. This was in the early post Birdman, post Visitors days, I was looking around for something to do. It was actually Angie's idea. Angie had been talking with Rob Younger, and she thought it would be great for us to get a cool touring band together to hit the road in Australia around the same time that Living Eyes was to come out...the idea being to get some guys in it who we considered to be part of our "roots" so to speak... We wanted to give the Detroit musicians some live exposure in Australia, to honour their legacy. It would be an important step along our own path of development. It would also give us the chance to go wild and behave irresponsibly and kick some serious ass.

    So, Rob and I asked Warwick Gilbert to sign on as the bass player... despite the horrific animosity of the Radio Birdman break-up. I suppose it was the opportunity to play with the Detroit "legends" that convinced him to put aside his ... angst?... for a few weeks and focus on this new assignment.

  2. I had known Ron Asheton for a few years, and had done some playing with his band. We were and still are close personal friends. He was keen on us getting together in Australia. Scotty Asheton was our original choice for drums, but when he couldn't make it at the last minute, Ron recruited Dennis Thompson. "Machine Gun" was a perfect choice for what we wanted to do. Ron and Dennis, who had once been band mates in the New Order, crossed the Pacific in a DC10, arriving in a strangely compressed state. Rehearsals began. We decided to focus on material from the members' previous bands, to spend the time crystallising as a unit rather than trying to write a whole bunch of new songs. We did stuff from Birdman, MC5, Stooges, Destroy All Monsters, The Visitors, etc. The only new song we wrote was Columbia, whose first flight was a news event the week of rehearsals. I think Thompson came up with most of it. I contributed the middle 8 bars only. It seems a bit silly now to have sung about the space shuttle, but I guess it was applicable at the time as we felt that we, also, were about to launch a powerful new machine. Some people thought we were singing "pandemonium" instead of "Hail Columbia". That's a better lyric.

  3. So we got in the van. The first show was a predictably rough event in Wollongong, a tough steel city down south...then drove overnight 1000 km north to the Gold Coast, to the Playroom which is still sitting there on one of the prettiest beaches in the world. On and on, from endless hours in the van to sound check to motel to the gig to the motel then into the van to repeat the cycle. We played clubs, mostly full of people. I remember the crowds being from 200 at the Ainslie Hotel in Canberra to 2000 at Selinas with all sizes in between. The crowds went off. The gigs were pretty good. The chaos factor was up there. The band gained power as it went along. Cities, suburbs, satellite towns, countryside of incredible beauty, long stretches of nothing but mileage, flyblown stops for mysterious food, a beer and a piss in between. It's a ritualistic experience which I repeat to this day with very little variation. The only difference is that now you can get espresso in Gundagai.

  4. Conceived by Angie Pepper, the New Race project was designed to introduce Deniz' Detroit music friends to his adopted country of Australia and vice versa. New Race was meant from the beginning to be a one-off project since all members had other commitments. They did a national tour of Australia in 1981, and recorded a live album, The First and the Last. The music was hard, fast rock in the style of the parent bands. Everyone involved had a great time on tour. The shows were packed with crazed punters.

    New Race was an exciting line-up which featured Detroit legends Ron Asheton (Stooges) on guitar, Dennis Thompson (MC5) on the drums together with 3 ex Radio Birdman players, Deniz on guitar, Rob Younger on vocals and Warwick Gilbert on bass. They played a set of songs derived from The Stooges, MC5, Radio Birdman, the members current bands and one new song written jointly for the tour, Columbia. Chris Masuak guested at some shows, creating a monstrous three guitar version of the MC5's Looking At You.

  5. NEW RACE - The Second Wave (1990)
    SIDE A
    00:00 Burn My Eye
    01:38 Alone In The Endzone
    03:40 Man With The Golden Helmet
    09:00 Breaks My Heart
    12:18 Gotta Keep Movin'
    16:38 Crying Sun
    SIDE B
    18:32 Sad TV
    23:38 I'm Loose
    27:03 TV Eye
    31:56 New Race
    New Race was a punk/proto-punk super-group based in Sydney, Australia formed in April 1981. New Race was a concept band featuring three members of Radio Birdman: Deniz Tek, Rob Younger, and Warwick Gilbert, along with their inspirational mentors: Ron Asheton of The Stooges, and Dennis "Machine Gun" Thompson of the MC5.

  6. new race live. the second wave & the first to pay.

    1. burn my eye.
    2. man with golden helmet.
    3. breaks my heart.
    4. crying sun.
    5. smith and wesson
    6. living world.
    7. love kills.
    8. november 22, 1963.
    9.455 sd.
    10. alone in the endzone.

    new race line up for both concerts are.
    ron asheton:guitar.
    dennis thompson: drums.,vocals.
    deniz tek: guitar. vocals.
    warwick gilbert: bass.
    rob younger: lead vocals.
    tracks 1-4 recorded live at crystal ballroom australia 1981.
    tracks 5-10 recorded live at manly vale hotel,and sgt peppers australia.

  7. New Race - The First & The Last (Full Album)

    1 Crying Sun 3:02
    2 Haunted Road 3:48
    3 Gotta Keep Movin' 3:18
    4 Breaks My Heart 3:10
    5 Sad TV 4:08
    6 Loose 3:09
    7 November 22nd, 1963 5:20
    8 Love Kills 3:51
    9 Alone In The Endzone 2:09
    10 Looking At You 7:03
    11 Columbia 4:56

  8. Is their a tour schedule of all the gigs and venues?

    1. RADIO BIRDMAN are touring Europe October and November this year. The dates and venues are listed below. See Radio Birdman - European Tour 2018

  9. Deniz Tek website


    DENIZ TEK Real Cool Time

    Radio Birdman ALONE IN THE ENDZONE

    Radio Birdman - Remorseless

    Rob Younger & The New Christs

    New Race

    Radio Birdman - Descent Into The Maelstrom
